
language and communication technologies معنى

  • تقنيات اللغة والاتصالات
  • language    n. لسان, لهجة, لغة ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • communication    n. اتصالات, تبادل ...
  • technologies    التقنيات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. language acquisition معنى
  2. language acquisition by deaf children معنى
  3. language allowance معنى
  4. language and communication programme معنى
  5. language and communication skills learning programme معنى
  6. language and conference services section معنى
  7. language and gender معنى
  8. language and meeting services section معنى
  9. language and mysticism معنى
سطح المكتب

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